Red Light Therapy
Boost Your Cellular Energy!
Service Description
It is recommended to do treatments anywhere from 10-20 minutes per day for 3-5 days a week for at least one month for maximum benefit. We find based on research that 15 minutes, 3 times a week is the sweet spot, but you choose what feels best for you. Some feel the effects right away after their first session, and others need multiple treatments. If you are just beginning your journey, you might want to try 10 minute sessions with at least 48 hours in between for your first few to ensure you do not encounter any side effects. Work your way up to 20 min/day everyday if that feels best for you! Although Red Light Therapy has been proven to be safe and effective with no known side effects and positive results, we do not recommend this as a replacement for medical advice or attention.
Contact Details
276 Turnpike Road, Westborough, MA, USA